Have you and your partner been together for quite a few Valentine’s Days? Are you looking for new, creative and interesting date ideas? Well, look no further – here are some ideas on how to switch things up this Valentine’s Day.  

For anyone who’s been with their partner for more than a hot minute. Valentine’s Day can be more about keeping the flame going than getting it started. So whether you and your boo are looking up 2016 wedding trends, celebrating wedding anniversaries or are in a comfortable, committed, long-term relationship. We’ve got your back on how to make this Valentine’s Day one you won’t forget by February 15.

Some great ideas:

  1. Recreate Your Very First Date: Prepare to feel all the feels. Is there anything more sentimental than thinking about your very first date? Grab reservations at the restaurant you went to, rent the movie you saw or swing by the same bar for after-dinner drinks you did the first time around. Whatever you did back then, do it all over again.
  2. Pick Up a New Hobby: Rock climbing? Calligraphy? Pasta-making? Video games? They all sound good to us. Whatever you aren’t doing now, try that thing on Valentine’s Day. A little bit of spontaneity mixed with the fun of figuring out something new together will take this V-Day to the next level.
  3. Try a Wine and Painting Class: Not the most creative couple? Not a problem: A little vino can go a long way for your artistic side.
  4. Brew Your Own Beer: It might only take a few hours to mix your ingredients, but it takes at least two weeks for the goods to ferment. That makes this the perfect activity for a couple who is guaranteed to still be together come March.
  5. Take Flowers to Your Local Nursing Home: Everyone loves flowers. And it’s likely that your babe has picked up a bouquet for you more than once, so why not spread the love? Stop by your local florist or grocer to buy a few flowers in bulk (or try creating your own withpaper mache!) and spend time creating your own unique bouquets together. Drop by your local nursing home and offer your handmade bouquets to people who may not have someone to celebrate with today.
  6. Revisit the Year You Started Dating: Whether you’ve been together for five years or 50, this date idea is guaranteed to have memories flowing. Create a Spotify playlist of the year’s top songs and rent the year’s blockbuster hit – you’ll be strolling through memory lane in no time.
  7. Tackle a DIY Project: Nothing brings a couple together like struggling through a DIY project. Try creating something neither of you have made before, like this DIYlip balm. Bonus: You can spend the rest of the night testing out your new creations! 😉
  8. Create a Succulent Garden for Your Home: Share an abode with your babe? We all know and feel the Water shortage that has flushed through our country this past year. Try create a succulent garden! Plus, it’s crazy low-maintenance and almost guaranteed to last longer than the store-bought flowers you would have spent your money on.

Tag us in you and your Valentine’s date pics on Instagram @marriagemeander

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Source: https://www.brit.co/8-creative-valentines-dates-for-the-couple-who-has-been-together-forever/